Judy Takács is having her first solo museum exhibition at the Zanesville Museum of Art in Central Ohio, February 13, 2020! Chicks with Ball: Judy Takács Paints Unsung Female Heroes
New Opening Reception Date: February 13, 2020…5:00 to 7:00
with a book launch for the long awaited Second Chicks Book: Chicks with Balls: Judy Takács keeps painting unsung female heroes which features the 30 or so additional portraits painted since the collection made its debut at BAYarts in 2013.
Judy will also be giving two talks during the run of the show: Gallery Talk: Chicks with Balls: You, me and every woman we know Saturday, February 15, 2020, 2:00-3:00 Artist Lecture: Beyond Chicks with Balls: The Goddess Project Thursday, March 19, 2020, 6:00 to 7:00
Show continues through April 4, 2020.
So, what exactly is Chicks with Balls?
"Around 2011, I began asking my female friends and family to take off their tops and pose for me holding a variety of balls to cover their breasts. Happily, many of them said yes…and here’s why. These chicks really do have balls and not just just kind it takes to have a little fun and show some skin. They are the unsung heroines of their ordinary lives and that’s why I picked them. The list of challenges these women have faced are dizzying…and for many, also familiar. Caring for children, spouses and aging parents…losing children, spouses and aging parents, holding down demanding jobs as nurses, teachers, magistrates, artists, dancers, authors; often while muscling through their own health issues, marital issues, financial issues. Quietly…or not so quietly…but efficiently, these women make sure the people in their small corner of the world are loved, protected and able to thrive. The ball metaphors are plentiful for all they do; juggling, balancing, holding, throwing, keeping and releasing.
You can see more at judytakacs.com and read the stories of these amazing ordinary women at chickswithballsjudytakacs.blogspot.com