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Spotlight on Nicole Moné - 103rd Annual Allied Artists of America Gold Medal of Honor Winner


Nicole Moné is an award-winning, American artist currently living and painting in Westchester, New York.  Her paintings incorporate elements of both Realism and Impressionism and are characterized by the application of traditional techniques and classical methods.

Regardless of subject, she endeavors to make an emotional connection between painting and viewer.

Nicole’s representational paintings reside in collections throughout the United States and abroad, and have been featured in the magazines, American Art Collector, American Artist, and PoetsArtists, as well as in China’s Collections Magazine. Among her exhibitions, Nicole has shown at the MEAM Museum - European Museum of Modern Art (Barcelona, Spain), the Museo Pablo Serrano (Zaragoza, Spain), the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, Sotheby’s Auction House in Los Angeles, New York’s Salmagundi Club, the National Arts Club (NYC), and at the Butler Institute of American Art (Youngstown, OH). Some of Nicole’s works were also used in Season 4 of the popular SHOWTIME crime drama, Ray Donovan

Nicole has studied portraiture in Italy, at the Florence Academy of Art, and in New York, at the School of Visual Arts where she studied portraiture with Marvin Mattelson, and at the Art Students League where she studied painting with Aaron Shikler and Everett Raymond Kinstler. Additionally she has studied with painters, Max Ginsberg and Jeremy Lipking.

Most recently, Nicole was the recipient of the Grand Prize in the American Women Artists Members Spring 2020 Exhibition, awarded First Place (oil/acrylic) in the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Annual Member’s Exhibition 2020, and Best Narrative in the NOAPS On-Line International Spring Exhibition 2020. The AWA, CLWAC, and NOAPS exhibitions are all currently on view online.

A few other notable awards and honors:

*Gold Medal of Honor - Allied Artists of America 

*Gold Medal of Honor - Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club 

*Newington Award for Best Painting in Show - American Artists Professional League 

*Grand Prize - Sedona Art Prize International Painting Competition 

*Best in Show - Salmagundi Club 

*Anna Hyatt Huntington Bronze Horse Head Award for Best In Show - CLWAC 

*Anna Hyatt Huntington Bronze Medal - CLWAC

*BP semi-finalist 2015

For a full list of exhibitions and awards please visit


Due to the pandemic, several of the shows that Nicole's work was in were canceled.

The CLWAC exhibit was moved to a virtual exhibit. Currently on view:

2020 Annual Members’ Online Show - CLWAC:

American Women Artists 2020 Spring Online Juried Show:

NOAPS Online International Spring Exhibition 2020:

Below are some of Nicole's outstanding paintings along with her personal insights about each work.

Head Study of Matthew Innis - Oil on Panel - 18 x 36 inches

Head Study of Matthew Innis is a portrait of the Editor-in-Chief of Underpaintings Online Magazine and one of my closest friends. This painting is infused with random bits from sixteen years of inside jokes - an homage to a friendship rooted in art and doused in twisted humor. It was great fun to paint.

The Critique - Oil on Panel - 24 x 18 inches

This portrait was originally painted for a PoetsArtists exhibit called The Creator and The Muse which was canceled due to the pandemic. I chose to portray Matthew in the critic’s role “as seen by the painting” - both as a nod to his reviews of art and books on Underpaintings, and also because I seek, and appreciate, Matthew’s candid thoughts about my works.

Bookmark - Oil on Linen mounted on board - 20 x 24 inches

Cats are many things to those of us who love them: confidants, therapists, loving companions, faithful friends, cheerleaders, playmates, bed warmers, paper weights, and sometimes bookmarks.

There is an ease, trust, comedy and managed chaos in a daily routine that includes cats. Anyone lucky enough to be blessed with a special feline will understand - sometimes you simply move part of the cat and continue reading.

As a nod to the deep connection between artists and cats, I used Théophile Alexandre Steinlen’s iconic Le Chat Noir image and Pablo Picasso’s Cat Devouring a Bird on the mug.

Blowing Smoke - Oil on Linen - 36 x 24 inches

Aaron Shikler was my friend and mentor for many years, and this was the scene that typically punctuated each of my visits with him. His studio was always filled with the warm scent of turpentine, oil paint, and the ever-present smell of tobacco. I’d watched him light is pipe hundreds of times. It was a scene that begged to be painted.

There are moments in life that are snapshots of an entire season or era, when time seems to have slowed for you so that you may fully absorb every detail. Such snapshots serve as anchors to which many memories are tethered. To capture in paint, and share one of these snapshots – one of these anchoring moments of life – is something I most hope for as an artist.

La Espera - Oil on Linen - 48 x 36 inches

Flamenco is a great love of mine. I’ve spent many visits to Spain seeking out flamenco clubs. The music and dance is thrilling, but like with all other things in life, I find myself looking at what is going on just away from the action and enjoy catching glimpses of people lost in thought. I am drawn to contemplative expressions.

Nicole Moné Fine Art

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