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Joan Heston, Stamford, CT is listed in “Who’s Who in American Art”, “Who’s Who in the World”, “Who’s Who in America”, “Who’s Who in the East”. Heston holds elected membership in many prestigious organizations including Allied Artists of America (former President), National Arts Club, Audubon Artists, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club (former Board Member), Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts, Silvermine Guild of Artists (former member of Board of Trustees), National League of American Penwomen (Past VP), Connecticut Watercolor Society, etc. and is the recipient of over 60 awards including Gold and Silver medals and The Traveling Exhibition of AWS. Honored by the National League of American Penwomen with “The Award of Excellence For Achievement in Art”.

Published in several books on painting in the U.S. and in Europe; articles and cover story in “The Artists Magazine” and in “Disengnare & Dipingere” in Italy. Juried numerous national exhibitions and has exhibited in museums, galleries and universities in New York and across the country.

Heston works in several mediums, mainly Oils and Watermedia, and her work has been described as Contemporary Expressionism. In addition to painting, conducts international workshops, lectures, and critiques, and is on faculty at Silvermine School of Art.

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