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Eliseea Faur, Junior board member for Allied Artists of America had an exhibition of her work October 20 - November 2, 2022 at the National Library of Romania in collaboration with Association Cultura ARTAR. The exhibition was entitled "Ties Between Visions" (hosted in the Pergament Hall of the National Library of Ro of rage). She exhibited with Romanian artist, Cerasela Dragos.

Eliseea graduated high school this year and off to a great start!

Roxana Bărbulescu, critic and art historian wrote this about Eliseea and her work in the exhibition:

Eliseea Faur is a young artist whose passion for art started, since childhood, through the attraction for design, even if at that time she was not aware of this inclination. The first objects took shape when she created small paper objects set in motion by mechanisms she invented from simple, unconventional materials. Gradually she discovered colors, charcoal and ink and realized that he really wanted to unravel the secrets of painting or graphics, to find the hidden mechanisms through which images come to life on the immaculate surfaces of pictorial supports.

To talk, at this moment, about Eliseea's style is premature because she is still, which is natural for her age, in the period of intuitive searches and accumulations. She is a young woman who likes to study a lot because she is aware of the importance of knowing techniques and styles in art. But what I really appreciate about her is that it is not enough for her to just look for what she likes, but more than that, she wants to understand why she is attracted to a certain style or a certain way of painting, she wants to learn how to use a certain technique or what are the hidden valences of chromaticism. All these questions and answers prove Eliseea's ability to penetrate the structure of a work of art and extract from there everything she believes could help her build her own style.

That is why the works that Eliseea proposes to us in this exhibition are very diverse both stylistically and thematically, but from all her paintings several qualities shine through that come as a complement to her native talent which is, moreover, indisputable. We find these artistic virtues in everything Eliseea creates and they are generated by the mixture between the impeccable vision of space - which is accompanied by the ability to draw complex structures -, mastery of drawing and good knowledge of chromatic valances.

Eliseea's works in this exhibition are oriented towards aesthetic principles that start from a photorealism taken to the area of pop art, as we see in the works Introspection or One and Double, and continue through a phase of deconstruction, very well illustrated in the compositions of Crumpled Play and Overstimulated, to finally arrive, in a non-figurative tone, at a recomposition through collage, as we see in Where the Two World Collide.

Looking at her works, I can say with certainty that Eliseea Faur has managed to give them that special peculiarity that has the ability to simultaneously train our thinking and perception, and I believe that the success of this artistic approach resides in the way in which the young artist conferred reality a depth connected to one's own subjectivity.

Drawing by Eliseea Faur

Painting by Eliseea Faur

Installation Photo at The National Library of Romania

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